Peony Candle Bouquet
Peony Candle Bouquet
Peony Candle Bouquet
Introducing our Peony Candle Bouquet, designed with a beautiful blend of pink, purple, and white hues. Infused with the scent of pink roses and summer weddings, this candle is perfect for setting a romantic ambiance or adding a touch of elegance to any room. Immerse yourself in the sweet aroma and indulge in the beauty of peonies with our expertly crafted candle.
We use 100% natural soy wax to ensure our products are clean, eco-friendly, and sustainably sourced.Our candles are formulated with scents that are phthalate-free, PEG-free (Polyethylene Glycol-free), paraben-free, and silicone-free.
H-16cm & W-22cm
Note : Do not burn candles directly in candle bouquets.If you choose to light the candles, please ensure all safety precautions are followed. For more details, refer to our safety policy.